viernes, 17 de julio de 2009


Today is Friday, we almost pass one week in the camp, we have made a lot of friends and every day we know each other a little bit more, we all have something in common, we love riding horses.
We also like the games that we play at night time and play at “polis y cacos” with the people of the village, we are very friends.
The Chechu’s food it’s delicious and yesterday we had for dinner fried eggs and chips,
After the dinner we went to dance “batuca”.
In the horse ridding class Raul touch us gallop and jump and Sergio touch also give rope to the horses, Nuria show as the types horseshoes and Sergio y Alejandro rode the pony.
Always after English class we play water games in the swimming pool.
We are having a lot of fun and we hope you read our diary.
See you soon.

(been written by the students)

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